theatre platform + podcast

About Us 

Fizzy Sherbet is a new writing initiative set up in 2017 by Lily McLeish and Tamara von Werthern to showcase exciting writing by women from across the world.

Inspired by the work of Tonic Theatre, which addresses gender inequality in theatre, Fizzy Sherbet sets out to amplify underrepresented voices, and to give a platform to women writers. Based in London, UK, we started out accepting submissions from around the world, which were originally staged in a series of readings at Hackney Attic, London.
In 2020, prompted by the worldwide lockdown, we decided to make the concept both more permanent and more accessible with a series of podcasts, which can be enjoyed regardless of where you are in the world, and regardless of whether theatres are open or shut. We assembled a team of directors based across the globe to direct the plays for the podcast, casting brilliant actors from around the world. Our reading panel exclusively identifies as female, as do our directors and writers.
We offer online creative writing workshops to women worldwide, keep an eye on our social media for new dates.
In 2021 we received Arts Council England funding to create Series 1 of the podcast, which we released in 2022.